"Have Them At The Hero"

STR Design for Hosts: The Masterclass is The ONLY comprehensive Airbnb Design Training for Hosts, Cohosts, DIY Designers and Interior Designers who want to learn STR Design


Teaching you to create properties that stand out from the crowd and increase revenue- by providing a proven design method that will help you save money and avoid costly mistakes... GUARANTEED.

Outbook your comps, increase your nightly rate and gain more 5-star reviews- it IS possible!


Join Us Now!


  • Make MORE money from your property... just based on what you put in it?
  • Save thousands on stocking and furnishing... GUARANTEED.
  • Uncomplicate the design process- so you can get from closing to launch with confidence and a plan
  • Fill your booking calendar
  • Learn a process and tools that you can replicate on any future properties
  • Rake in 5 star reviews
  • Design your property even if you can't be there in person
  • Stay organized and keep all of your records in one place for easy access and reordering
  • Eliminate the stress and decision fatigue that comes along with choosing every single item for a property with zero prior experience

Meredith P. in Pennsylvania

“Paige's STR design course was everything I hoped it would be and more! Paige was so thorough and her content was easy to follow and understand. I loved the tips and tricks she peppered throughout the course. The downloadable files that she included were so helpful as well!"

Did you begin investing in short term rentals so that you could make more money and gain more freedom in your life?


Silly question right?  Almost all of us are in this industry because we want these things.  You're in great company.


Here's the secret- if you can create a great guest experience you'll get great reviews, your property will stay booked, and you'll be able to get a higher nightly rate, which all just means... you'll make more money from each property.  Making more money means your financial goals will be on the horizon a lot sooner.




The courses and memberships I have created have guided over 120 smart entrepreneurs, investors, and business owners through my proven design methods and strategies to create scroll-stopping Airbnb listings- for themselves and for other clients.  

Join Now

So you're ready to get serious about your investment... go you!

But the real question is… how do you do it?  The hosts of highest tier properties rarely have to worry about occupancy levels or what to charge for their nightly rate.  But what’s their secret?
As a designer of top tier properties for over 10 years now, I’m here to tell you- the secret is in the design and the amenities.  Every single time. Now, I’m sharing my breakthrough STR design method with you- to take you every step of the way in planning, designing and furnishing your property to stand out from the crowd.
There is a secret to creating wealth through short term rentals.  How do we know it's a secret?  Because all of the biggest name coaches and names in this industry hint at it- but no one will actually teach you how to do it. They don't want to add to their competition.
This secret goes beyond “buying in the right location“ or “getting the million dollar view”-
Come closer, I'll tell you- the secret is that if you absolutely nail your design and instantly connect with potential guests in subconscious way… you will stop their scroll and get their business every time- meaning you’ll ALWAYS be at the top of your market! 

Is This Course For Me?

  • You are aiming to get more bookings, a higher nightly rate, or more 5-star reviews.

  • You know the value of design, but don’t have the budget to hire a full-service designer.

  • You see the importance of learning and investing in your own abilities.

  • You are dedicated to making improvements and gaining knowledge that will serve you for success moving forward. 

  • You would rather work and learn the tools yourself than have someone else do it all for you. 

  • You plan on scaling your portfolio and don't want to have to pay a pro designer each time.

  • You would prefer to do things on your own time- this course is self paced and made to be taken in conjunction with designing your property- so there is no pressure to complete modules or rush to get things done- I know your time is valuables, so you do it as you go!


Kate M. in Texas

“This course was exactly what I needed when I needed it. It has allowed me to put STR design concepts into a repeatable process. Paige's teaching style is great! She explains the processes effortlessly and the modules were well articulated. I would recommend this course and look forward to learning more from Paige myself!".”

Program Features

Tell Your Property's Story


Every successful STR listing has one thing in common- a story.  Using the tools taught in the course, you’re going to create a unique story for your property- one that potential guests will want to be part of.  You’ll use your story as the foundation of your design, and for everything else you do for your listing.  

Avoid Costly Mistakes

When hosts wing it on design, things get messy.  Even more than budgeting, time and money are lost on mistakes like ordering the wrong size furniture for the space because it “looked” like it would fit, or not thinking things through.  These mistakes are easy to make, but they’re also easy to avoid… so you can buy and install with confidence.

A Clear Series of Steps 

Decision fatigue is so real when it comes to furnishing properties, and my clients and students always tell me how hard it is to make so many decisions at once, knowing that they all affect each other.  With the SSUFF method for STR design, everything is simplified and laid out in a clear series of steps.

Save Your Money

Learn how to save money when furnishing STRs- where you should splurge, how to get discounts only available to hosts, when the best sales are .  The course comes with my personal guarantee that if you follow the process, you will save more than double the cost of the course on your furnishing and stocking.

IG Worthy Experiences

Now more than ever it’s important to create STR experiences that will stop potential guests scroll and give them no reason to look elsewhere.  You want to make booking with you a foregone conclusion.  You want to make a property that your guests will be DYING to share with others.  Every step of the SSUFF method taught in the course is designed to help you do that- no matter the property and no matter the location!

Highlighting Your Amenities

The amenities you choose are part of the key to your property’s success.  They should also be part of the design.  The STR Design for Hosts Masterclass will help you determine the right amenities for your location and target guest, then show you how to PLAN them into your design so they don’t feel like an afterthought… for a seamless guest experience. 

No Design Experience Required!

Over 50 students have now enrolled in the STR Design for Hosts program, and most have never designed anything before in their lives.  Check out the success story below to see some awesome before and after examples of what of our "non-designers" achieved!  You can do this, no matter your skill level and no matter your experience- all of the tools are there for you to use.

Save Your Money

Haven’t set foot in your property yet?  No problem!  I actually never see the majority of my projects in person.  The tools I teach in this course are made to be used remotely or in person.  So whether you're 10 minutes away or 10 hours away, you can get the same results by using the SSUFF method for STR design.  It's all about the planning- you'll even learn my secret for getting dimensions remotely!

Course Outline

These modules are intensive. Each one is almost a course within itself and following the workflow is important. Don’t get ahead, don’t skip steps, and don’t give up!  I promise the results will be worth it!

Real Life Results from Real Life STR Design for Hosts Students


Whitney is an engineer who enrolled in the course when she bought her first STR property.  Whitney had never designed anything before enrolling, and new she wanted to learn the right way from the start.  She went all in on the SSUFF method- and her results were STUNNING.  Take a look at the pictures below- would you have known this wasn’t professionally designed if I hadn’t told you?


The coolest thing is that the property already had a listing up- so she let it ride while she was doing the design and updates.  Bookings trickled in, they were nearly nonexistent.  But, once she relaunched the listing with pro photos of her new design, she immediately started filling the calendar- with some weekends at almost $1k per night!!!  THAT is the power of design people.  It’s a power that Whitney now has in her arsenal and is using to help other hosts design their properties as well.

So we know that her property is now crushing it on bookings and revenue thanks to her dedication and the STR Design for Hosts Masterclass, but how much did it cost her?

Whitney invested her time of course.  She dove right in and made it her mission to create an amazing design for her property.  But, the nice thing about the program is that it’s made to be taken in conjunction with designing an actual property, so there’s no time lost in having to take a course and then try to apply it to your own property later… it’s literally a guide that will actually make your life EASIER when you use it to furnish a property in real time.


So Whitney saved time and costly mistakes by using the SSUFF method to design her first STR… but what about actual money?  

Friends, I saved the best for last here, because Whitney shared her spreadsheet with me and she saved over $17k on her furnishing, decor and stocking items for her project!  That is $17k off of retail pricing, using the sourcing and saving methods taught in the course (her words!)

 If you want to be like Whitney and save time, money, and stress on your design and furnishing- click here to join us now.

Enroll Now!

Katy S. in Ventura, CA

“I consider it a huge part of why I was successful the first time (now Super Host three months into launching my AirBnB). She explained everything from pillow count to decoding dimensions to stocking the kitchen. I now hear her in the back of my mind when I am considering a change or addition to my cabin, “It’s all about the details.” Most importantly, her attention to detail and ease with how she communicates is priceless.”

Karen O. in California

“Wow just looked at the course outline and it's very comprehensive.  Excited to learn- this is going to take off!”

Video Walkthrough

Wish you could see what the course looks like before you buy?  Check out this video walkthrough!


Includes BONUS Installation Course that will walk you through each step to take action and install everything you just designed.



Top features

  • Lifetime access to STR Design for Hosts: The Masterclass and all 7 modules. 
  • Worksheets, downloads, trackers and more to help you stay on target & on budget. 
  • Bonus sections & recorded Q&A.
  • Installation Course - a bonus add on for PIF customers who want to take their new design and actually install everything in their STR.


"The segments are short, so it's easy to stay focused. It's been easy to use, and I'm excited to see what's next!" 

About Paige Hayes

Hi, I'm Paige!  I am a story teller at heart, and because of this background I have learned the true value of a story and what it can do for a property and for a listing. I love helping people design their spaces to tell their own stories.

So here's mine:
I didn’t major in interior design in college- I actually majored in anthropology. But, I have over 10 years of active experience in all aspects of home design. Until about two years ago, I worked for the small Steamboat Springs CO-based design firm Home on the Range, where we completed projects of all kinds, in all kinds of places- from 15,000 square foot second homes to two bedroom condos, new construction and remodels, styles ranging from traditional to modern, rustic to coastal, transitional to eclectic, I’ve been there.

Three years ago, my family and I realized that we were ready for a change.
We are those people that don’t fit in to the “norm” of buying a house and settling down and working 9-5 forever. We love adventure, we love travel, and we wanted to show our kids the world.
So, when I started my own business, I did it with those specific goals in mind.  Now, we travel full time.
I wouldn't trade it for the world, but constant travel means I have had to come up with some REALLY good systems for my design business.


Joaidmilis in TX

"This is the SIGN that if you have not yet joined the course STR Design for Hosts: The Masterclass offered by Paige Hayes // Hayes & Co. do it immediately!!! The information that she shares is so valuable, complete and easy to understand and apply successfully. As a current Interior Decoration student and having completed certifications in STR Styling + Management, there are waaaaay too many new details that I am learning that I had not obtained in  other courses—this masterclass is definitely enriching my knowledge, perspectives and so much more. I can't recommend this enough. Really anyone can benefit so so much from this.